your first concert

6 Common Questions from First-Timers

Will I like the music?

Probably! But let's be real: All art is subjective. Sometimes you like something, and sometimes you don't. Try our handy Spotify Playlist to sample the music before you buy. We make a Spotify Playlist for each concert program, which you can find on the web page for that concert. Happy sampling!

How long is the concert?

About 2 hours, including intermisison. Sometimes concerts run longer or shorter, but 2 hours is about average. Please contact us if you have a question about a specific concert.

Where should I sit?

Picking seats for a symphony orchestra concert comes down to your priorities. Every concert hall is different, but for the Elmhurst Symphony Orchestra we recommend:

  • Best Sound: Buy seats on the Main Floor in the Center Section. 
  • Best Sight: Try the Gallery to get a big panoramic view of the entire orchestra.
  • Best Price: Seats on the Main Floor in the Right Section or Left Section is the best value.

When should I arrive?

This is an important difference between symphony orchestras and almost all other live concerts. At most non-orchestra shows, the night starts with an "opening act" and the "main attraction" doesn't go on until hours after the show officially starts (the time on the ticket). At a symphony orchestra concert, the show starts on time... if the ticket says 7:00pm, the show starts at 7:00pm. We recommend you arrive 15-20 minutes early to get a good parking spot, use the restroom, and find your seat.

What should I wear?

People enjoy concerts most when they are comfortable. Sometimes folks choose to dress up to the nines and make an evening of it, but most people wear everyday casual clothes. You do you!

When should I clap?

Short Answer: It's complicated. If you're nervous about clapping at the wrong time, just wait for somebody else to start clapping first. Seriously.

Long Answer: Read When to Clap at the Symphony

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